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There are few things as welcome as a cool swim during the hottest days of summer, but maintaining a pool can be quite costly. If you've got a leak of water, the costs can quickly go up exponentially. Pool leak repairs aren't easy either, especially if the leak becomes bigger over time, so it's best to act as quickly as possible.
According to Leak Science, your pool can lose up to 2 inches of water a week during the summer, but if you're losing more than 2 to 4 inches a week, it could be because of a leak.
If you're worried that your pool may be leaking, there are some signs to look out for. Here are the biggest tell-tale signs that you need to find experts to help you with pool leak repairs:
One of the biggest giveaways that your pool is leaking is a water bill that is a lot higher than normal. It may be that the hole causing trouble isn't even very big, but it can still lead to many gallons of water loss per week.
This may seem like an obvious sign, but cracks around and in your pool can be easy to miss. Unless you're actively looking, you could overlook an obvious reason for water leakage from your pool. Small cracks could be sealed quickly, but bigger ones may need resurfacing.
If you notice a puddle or pool of water near your swimming pool and it hasn't rained recently, you could be looking at a sign of leakage. To double-check, look at the nearby grass. If it's uneven or mushy, your leak may be underground.
A leak could be indicated by chemical levels suddenly dropping without a good explanation. When water leaks, it carries out chemicals, which will lead to fluctuations.
This sign ties in with fluctuating chemical levels as pool water with irregular levels can become a breeding ground for algae, which discolors the water. If your pool water turns green very quickly, you should look for a leak.
Now that you know how to identify leaks, you can find the best people to help with pool leak repairs. If you're not sure how to find the right professional for your situation, contact us for more information and assistance.
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